To foster the spirit of democracy and to inculcate good citizenship, we conduct elections to the School cabinet after the model of all the formalities of the general elections of our country. Elections are conducted to the following positions in the School cabinet: Head Boy, Head Girl, LCA General Secretary (Boy), LCA General Secretary (Girl), Sports Captain (Boy), Sports Captain (Girl), CSSA Secretary (Boy) & CSSA Secretary (Girl).

Head Boy Amogh Ravi Reddy
Head Girl Ananya Krishna
LCA General Secretary (Boy) Juan Jumon Joshy
LCA General Secretary (Girl) Meghana V
Sports Captain (Boy) Muhammad Maaz
Sports Captain (Girl ) Vanshika Madhuri G
CSSA Secretary (Boy) Ethan Jacob
CSSA Secretary (Girl) Saachi S Singh

For effective management and discipline of Students and to create and foster ’esprit de corps’ among them to develop deep love and devotion towards their Alma Mater, a house system had been developed in School. Thus, the Upper Primary and High School Students are divided into four houses distinguished by four colors in their uniforms. A healthy competition is encouraged among them to achieve the standard of excellence and to develop higher qualities of leadership. The houses are led by their captains and vice captains, who take inspiration and guidance from their house masters and house mistresses.

Red House - Challengers
Tameem Hoda (Boy) Meenakshi Unnikrishnan (Girl)
Blue House - Legends
Agrim Saraansh Nama (Boy) Sasha Manuel (Girl)
Green House - Gladiators
Yashmith S (Boy) Neha K (Girl)
Yellow House - Spartans
Naidhruva Patel (Boy) Keerthana U N (Girl)