Christ School ICSE provides the young Christites 'Yoga' at an early age ti help them learn healthy lifestyle habits and set the foundation for a fit future. Yoga poses for kids often mimic our natural surroundings and may be interpreted in different ways. Academic performance improves, along with confidence in physical abilities. Yoga is used for the treatment of children with special needs, and to aid conventional medical treatment.
Christ School ICSE creates a platform for the students to write competitive exams like Olympiad. Olympaid examination at school level are competitive examination, based on the school syllabus, which are conducted through various independent organizations. These exams give exposure to students about competition and make them ready to face any competitive challenge that would be thrown open to them in the future.
Christ school provides a suitable forum to showcase the talents of students in various aspects that helps in the holistic development of students. School Band Team is formed and special training is given to them by good trainers. Scouts And Guides.
Sports and games promote social change and create an equal opportunity to all. Christ School ICSE provides the young Christites with the opportunity to learn Karate and Skating along with other sports and games.